Friday, January 8, 2010

New Materials on Main TCCA Website

Two new information tabs have been added to the TCCA website,

One tab includes a basic office description for the office of county commissioner in Tennessee. It describes the qualifications, oath of office, compensation, duties and other aspects of the office of county commissioner. This material is adapted from information provided by the Univeristy of Tennessee County Technical Assistance Service and is used with their permission.

The other new tab includes information about the 2010 County Election. For now, there are only basic calendars of important dates and deadlines. We plan to add additional information.

I should also note that the results of the county commission survey are available under the "Information and Resources" tab of the page, or you can link directly to the results here. This material is the same as was reported in the December issue of our newsletter.

If there are other resources or information that you would like to see on our website, please let us know and we will see what we can do.

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