Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Flood Assistance

Many counties in Tennessee are struggling to recover from the devastating flooding that struck the region this week. The National Federation of Independent Businesses has been gracious enough to set up a web page with many important links to help businesses and families affected by the flood and has passed this link on to share with other organizations. Categories of information include financial aid, humanitarian relief and business and employee resources.

That page of information can be found here.

As I hear of other information resources, I will try to make those available.

Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have suffered losses in this event. I know personally of several people who have lost their homes and virtually all their possessions. In the midst of this hardship, there have been encouraging stories of neighbors, public safety employees, volunteers, and community leaders reaching out to help those suffering. This will be a long and challenging recovery, but that can be seen as a great opportunity to reach out and help others. Lastly, I want to remind and encourage all those living in the middle Tennessee area that are serviced by an impacted water utility to please make every effort to conserve water resources in order to reduce the stress on over-taxed systems.

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